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Criminal Defense Attorney in Brentwood, Tennessee

If you’re accused of committing a crime, it’s important to understand the charges against you and your legal rights. In these challenging times, William L. Pomeroy Law understands how vital it is to have someone by your side to help you navigate legal issues.  

Whether you are facing a misdemeanor or a serious felony, it’s essential to have an experienced criminal defense attorney by your side. Attorney Pomeroy understands the gravity of your situation you are in and is committed to helping you navigate through these difficult times. If you’re in Brentwood, Tennessee, or the surrounding areas—including Davidson County, Williamson County, or Rutherford County—reach out today and get the support of a professional lawyer now. 

Don’t Hesitate

Criminal Charges in Tennessee

Criminal charges are generally divided into two categories: misdemeanors and felonies.  


A misdemeanor, the less severe of the two, is a crime that is usually punishable by fines, probation, community service, or a jail sentence of less than a year. Examples of misdemeanors in Tennessee include: 

  • simple assault 

  • driving under the influence (DUI) 

  • possession of controlled substances 

  • theft of property under a certain value 

  • disorderly conduct 

These crimes, although considered less serious than felonies, nonetheless carry significant consequences and should not be taken lightly—the impacts on a person's life can still be considerable. Convicted individuals might face societal stigma, difficulty finding employment due to a criminal record, and potential strain on personal relationships. The financial burden of fines and court costs can also cause significant hardship. Do not face the courts alone. 


Felonies are far more serious offenses, carrying much harsher penalties. A felony in Tennessee can lead to imprisonment for over a year, along with substantial fines. Examples of felonies include grave offenses such as: 

  • murder 

  • rape 

  • aggravated assault 

  • burglary 

  • drug trafficking 

  • white-collar crimes like embezzlement or fraud 

The consequences of a felony conviction are typically much more devastating than misdemeanors'. Individuals may experience long-term imprisonment, hefty fines, and being labeled as a 'felon' can severely limit future opportunities. Apart from losing certain civil rights such as the right to vote, carry a gun, or serve on a jury, convicted felons often face immense challenges in securing employment, obtaining housing, and even pursuing higher education. Along with that, there is a social stigma around being a felon, which can lead to isolation and mental health issues.  

Tennessee Criminal Court Process

When an individual is charged with a criminal offense in Tennessee, they are subjected to a specific court process: 

  1. Arrest. The process begins with an arrest, where the accused is taken into custody by law enforcement officers.  

  1. Booking. This is followed by booking, where the arrested person's personal information is recorded, fingerprints are taken, and a mugshot is captured. 

  1. Arraignment. The next stage is the arraignment. During this phase, the accused is brought before a judge who informs them of their charges and their rights. The accused then enters a plea of guilty, not guilty, or no contest.  

  1. Pretrial Proceedings. Pretrial proceedings follow the arraignment. During this stage, evidence is gathered, investigations are conducted, and plea bargains may be negotiated between the defense and prosecution. 

  1. Trial. If no plea bargain is reached, the case proceeds to trial. Both sides present their arguments, evidence, and witnesses before a judge or jury. It is the prosecution's burden to prove the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.  

  1. Sentencing. If the defendant is found guilty, sentencing follows. The judge determines the appropriate punishment, considering factors such as the severity of the crime, the defendant's criminal history, and any mitigating circumstances. 

No matter the severity of the crime, being accused of or charged with any crime can have life-lasting consequences—reach out to criminal defense attorney William Pomeroy today to learn how he can help you. 

The Appeals Process

If a person is convicted and believes there were errors during their trial, they have the right to appeal the decision. The appeals process in Tennessee involves several steps: 

  1. Notice of Appeal. First, the convicted individual must file a notice of appeal within a specified time frame after the trial court's judgment. 

  1. Appellate Briefs. Both parties submit appellate briefs. These are written arguments presenting their legal positions and supporting case law.  

  1. Oral Arguments. There may be an opportunity for oral arguments before a panel of appellate judges. These judges may ask questions to clarify the issues. 

  1. Court Reviews. The appellate court reviews everything: the trial record, briefs, and oral arguments. They then determine if any errors occurred during the trial.  

Based on this review, they may affirm the conviction, reverse it, or remand the case for a new trial.  

Criminal Defense Attorney in Brentwood, Tennessee

Facing criminal charges can be daunting, but you don't have to go through it alone. William L. Pomeroy Law, based in Brentwood, Tennessee, stands ready to provide aggressive representation and protect your rights throughout the legal process. With a deep understanding of criminal law, he will strive relentlessly to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Contact him today for a free consultation.